Live In Person Seminars

Workforce Summit

1/24/2022 - 1/25/2022

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, Columbus/Westerville , Ohio
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Workforce Summit
January 24 - 25, 2022

In Person Location:
Renaissance Columbus Westerville-Polaris Hotel
409 Altair Parkway
Westerville, OH 43082
(614) 882-6800

A limited number of rooms have been blocked at the OHCA rate. The hotel may have additional rooms available once all of the OHCA rooms are gone, but they may not be at the special rate, even if you contact them prior to the cut off date. It is unlikely that they will be able to extend the cutoff date of December 24 due to the busy nature of their hotel and since rooms go quickly, there may not be any available rooms left at that point.

To make a reservation, call the hotel directly at 833-427-0292 and ask for Reservations. Mention you are attending the OHCA Workforce Summit. The group rate is $159

Click here to reserve a room now

Live Event Precautions - We are all excited to get back to face to face training however we need to do so responsibility. Therefore we have selected a conference location that has been vigilant to ensure the health and safety of guests while maintaining the highest levels of customer service in this extraordinary and ever evolving time. Rest assured that the Renaissance will be following all safety guidance and procedures during our event. We will also require masks to be worn throughout the event, regardless of vaccination status.

We can't wait to see you!

January 24, 2022

12:30 pm Summit Check In

1:00 pm Legal and Regulatory Human Resource Update

Dealing with the ever-changing landscape of employment laws and regulations is difficult for an individual with daily responsibilities. This session will look at the most common pitfalls for employers, and recent laws and rulings that impact their relationship with employees and regulators. The session will also provide participants with a look at cases involving dilemmas that commonly arise with post-acute providers, and will explain how providers could have avoided the problems in the first place.

Presented by: John Goodman, The Schroer Group

2:00 pm Break

2:15 pm Managing When No One Wants to Work

Experts suggest that by 2022 the millennial generation (1980-2001) will make up over 50% of our workplace and 75% of the global workforce by 2030. It is imperative that today?s organizations discover new ways to excite and engage this generation without abandoning the other predominate generations in the workforce (Gen X & Baby Boomers). In this session, attendees will learn how to effectively communicate and lead in a multi-generational environment. Shifting the focus away from recruiting and chasing employees, to attracting and hiring the very best of them, is the only way to manage. This session will provide practical strategies and tactics that you can implement right now to attract, motivate and retain the most dedicated, hardworking and passionate employees to your team.

Key Take Aways:

* Understand the structure of leadership
* Learn how to develop a cohesive team
* Rethink how to communicate effectively
* Discover why some employees stay and some don't
* Uncover the hidden differences between good companies and great ones

Presented by: Ralph Peterson

3:15 pm Break

3:30 pm Recruitment & Retention - What's Worked, What Hasn't

Hear representatives from assisted living, home health, ID/DD services and skilled nursing on some of their most effective recruitment and retention strategies. A focus will be on how to appeal to today?s millennial workers while discussing engagement strategies that achieve the best results.

4:15 pm Break

4:30 pm Cocktails & Conversations

OHCA panelists will continue the discussion, engage the audience on some of their most effective recruitment and retention strategies, and brainstorm ideas to help promote more people choosing careers in post-acute and long term care. This guided networking session will allow attendees to connect with their peers in a relaxed, facilitated environment.

1.25 CEs as well as beverages and snacks will be available.

5:45 pm Adjourn

January 25, 2022

8:30 am Summit Check In & Continental Breakfast

9:00 am When the Well Runs Dry: Staffing in a Crisis

Most healthcare-oriented businesses are in the midst of some of the biggest staffing challenges they have ever faced. Despite significant recruiting and retention efforts, many organizations find themselves unable to admit more residents/patients because they lack the staff to properly care for them. They find themselves constantly pressed to do more with less. This timely presentation is designed to help participants develop practical skills and insights to improve their effectiveness in dealing with staffing shortages.

Key Take Aways:
* Three tips for keeping existing team members enthusiastic and less likely to burn out.
* The difference between a resource problem and an allocation problem.
* A common mistake that causes organizations to fall further behind and how to avoid it.
* Keys to leveraging your time.

Presented by: Eric Collett

10:15 am Break

10:30 am COVID, Regulations, OSHA, Vaccine, Temporary Nurse Aide, New Mandates & More

This panel of experts will discuss the regulations impacting providers from various regulatory agencies, including the CMS vaccine mandate, OSHA requirements, temporary nurse aides and more. Our panelists will discuss implementation of each of these from a legal and provider prospective. Join us for an engaging session where your questions will be answered as well as receiving the most up to date information.

12:00 pm Luncheon (included)

12:45 pm Stabilizing Staffing: Best Practices when partnering with a staffing firm

There is a way to have a valuable relationship and trust with a supplemental staffing company. The use of high quality, consistent temporary staff should be a short-term bridge to achieving a stabilized work force in a center. In this session, we will discuss the best practices for partnering with staffing companies including contract management, strategies to manage the staffing firm relationship and how to ensure successful onboarding of supplemental staff.

Presented by: Julie Osborne, Director of Recruiting and Jenny Swinerton, General Counsel, LeaderStat

1:45 pm Break

2:00 pm Structuring and Staffing Sales & Marketing for Maximum ROI

Session attendees will learn best practices, tools and techniques for structuring, staffing, incentivizing and guiding a high-performing sales and marketing program that gets results. Whether you have a dedicated team member or department dedicated to sales and marketing, or a single staff member performing multiple functions, these Fortune 500 best practices and recommendations are scalable for providers of all sizes.

Presented by: Stephanie Johnston, MBA, President and CEO, Transcend Strategy Group

3:00 pm Break

3:15 pm OHCA Update on Workforce Initiatives

This session will provide a quick round-up of the various initiatives that OHCA is exploring in order to assist providers with the staffing crisis impacting the healthcare workforce. We will review ongoing and upcoming grant opportunities for innovative solutions such as student loan repayment programs and recruitment campaigns, regulatory efforts to increase the nursing and aide staffing pool in Ohio, opportunities with immigration and refugee relocation programs and more.

3:45 pm Adjourn

Speaker information is not available.
Continuing Education Credit:

Day 1 - 4 CEs
Day 2 - 5 CEs

9 CE credits

Ohio NHA
Ohio Nurses
Certified Executive for Home Care & Hospice (CEHCH)
Certified Executive for Assisted Living (CEAL)

Sign Up Today

Before January 10 $195
January 10 and after, $235

Non Members
Before January 10 $299
January 10 and after, $349

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With Support from OHCA Champion Partners