Live In Person Seminars

Emergency Preparedness and Safety Summit

9/10/2019 - 9/11/2019

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Emergency Preparedness and Safety Summit

Assisted Living * Hospice * ICF-IID * Skilled Nursing Facilities

September 10 - 11, 2019
Columbus, Ohio

CEs for NHA, Nurses, CEAL, CEHCH

Don't miss this year's Conference which is designed to provide information on topical issues that impact your organization today. Featuring a condensed format optimized with multiple concurrent sessions, the program packs a lot of punch in a tight package. You will be able to register additional staff without missing multiple days or incurring overnight expenses. For SNF providers who decide to travel the night before or who appreciate extra programming, we have included a 3-hour complimentary bonus session the afternoon before the core agenda.

The Top 5 Reasons to Attend the 2019 Conference

1. Education- A variety of topics of interest will be covered addressing the most pressing issues involving emergency preparedness and life safety issues

2. One-day- The condensed format allows you to maximize your learning with a short amount of time away. Also, it will enable providers to cover multiple sessions by sending additional staff!

3. Networking - The conference provides a relaxed atmosphere to connect with peers, business partners, and industry experts to share problems and workable solutions.

4. Convenient Location - Held at the Quest Conference Center with easy access off I-71 and near the Polaris Mall, a popular shopping & dining location.

5. CEs - up to 6 CEs for Nursing Home Administrators, Certified Executives for Assisted Living (CEAL), Certified Executives for Health Care at Home (CEHCH), and Nurses. A three-hour bonus session is available for SNF providers at the pre-conference program in addition to six hours on the primary conference day. All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance.
Pre-Conference Bonus Session:

Tuesday, September 10

Skilled Nursing Facilities - Plan to come the afternoon before the Conference and attend this bonus pre-conference session. This don't miss program is included in your registration fee at no additional charge!

1:00 pm Pre-Conference Check In

Take this time to pick up your conference materials, catch up with colleagues, and enjoy refreshments.

1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Emerging LSC Issues and ODH Expectations

Kenneth Daily, LNHA
Fire & Emergency Management Consultant

Survey enforcement of the 2012 Life Safety Code & Health Care Facilities Code began earlier this year, and continues to perplex many skilled nursing facilities. The life safety code survey includes more than 50 new K-tags and numerous changes to interpretations. Designed specifically for long term care, this seminar will walk you through the significantly revised survey process and clarify changes to code requirements.

The LSC and HCFC establish minimum criteria for construction, protection, and occupancy features necessary to minimize danger to life from the effects of fire, including smoke, heat, and toxic gases created during a fire. In recognition of the fact that life safety is more than a matter of egress, they address other considerations that are essential to life safety such as protective features and systems, building services, operating features, and maintenance activities. Achieving an acceptable degree of life safety depends on additional safeguards to provide adequate egress time or protection for people exposed to fire.

This half-day session uses real-facility examples and survey scenarios to explore how the 2012 Life Safety and Health Care Facility Codes apply to nursing facilities and highlight the significant changes of the 2012 Life Safety and Health Care Facilities Codes and the increased inspection, testing and maintenance required for all facilities plus the most common violations being found in nursing facilities.

September 11, 2019

8:00 am Continental Breakfast & Conference Check-In

Take this time to pick up your conference materials, catch up with colleagues, and enjoy coffee and pastries.

8:30 am General Session: Really Ready? New CMS Life Safety and Emergency Preparedness Requirements

Emergencies can strike at any time and with little warning. They come in all shapes and sizes. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released Emergency Preparedness Requirements for Medicare and Medicaid Participating Providers and Suppliers requiring skilled nursing facilities, ICFs and other providers to assess risks, improve their planning and response, and strengthen their training regime.

This session will explore the CMS initiative, including requirements for providers to perform a risk assessment that uses an 'all-hazards' approach before establishing an emergency plan. The all-hazards risk assessment will be used to identify the essential components to be integrated into the emergency plan. Mr. Daily will also introduce one of the critical elements of a communications plan the Incident Command System and discuss necessary protective actions for a disaster and emergency plan and operating procedures.

Presented by: Kenneth Daily, LNHA
Fire & Emergency Management Consultant

9:30 am Networking Break

9:45 am Working with Community Organizations and Success with Emergency Management Agencies (EMA)

Emergency preparedness plans must include identification, cooperation and collaboration with Local, State, and Federal emergency preparedness officials, such as the county Emergency Management Agencies (EMA), which coordinate activities to mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters. A panel of healthcare and emergency preparedness leaders will discuss experiences and lessons learned in the nearly decade of conducting simulated events, training, and team building.

Presented by:
* Sally Foor, Risk Manager, Colonial Manor
* Sarah Kerr, RN, DON, The Good Shephard
* Mark W. Rafeld, Director, Ashland County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

10:45 am Networking Break

11:00 am The Critical Importance of Lifeline Sectors

The Department of Homeland Security has designated 16 critical infrastructure sectors, including what are known as the 'lifeline sectors' of Transportation, Water/Wastewater, Energy and Communications. A lifeline by definition enables the continuous operation of government functions and critical business, and is essential to human health and safety or economic security.

Following the 2017 Hurricane Season FEMA identified the need to create a new operational prioritization and response tool that would highlight priority areas and interdependencies, focus attention on actions being taken, communicate coordination efforts towards stabilization, and integrate information -- FEMA Community Lifelines.

Presented by: Paul Preusse, Response Division Director, FEMA Region V

Noon Networking Luncheon (included in your registration fee)

After a morning of learning, you've earned some time to unwind! Use this time to discuss the morning's events with fellow attendees, connect with some new friends, and share best practices.

12:45 pm Infectious Diseases - Number #1 Risk for LTC Providers

Long term care providers must improve their preparedness for responding to infectious diseases. One of the most frequently experienced emergencies, it is essential to understand how to prevent, prepare for, detect, and manage these events. The Ohio Department of Health has established programs which collect, investigate, analyze and distribute information on the incidence and prevalence of general infectious diseases, health events, zoonotic and vector-borne diseases and vaccine-preventable diseases in Ohio. This session will include information on the current best practices in developing a comprehensive infectious disease plan that incorporates the necessary elements such as leadership, communications, surveillance, detection, education, and community recognition.

Presented by: Representative from the ODH Bureau of Infectious Diseases

1:45 pm Networking Break

2:00 pm Fire Marshal's Office - Carbon Monoxide and other Issues

While many environmental service professionals are well-versed in the life safety code, NFPA, and other regulatory requirements, they may not be as familiar with the Ohio Fire Code and its interaction with the other requirements and regulations. This session will explore the Ohio Fire Code and how it impacts long term care providers, with particular attention to recent developments on carbon monoxide detectors. The most significant references for providers will be examined, as well as the areas and systems that need to be scrutinized. Records, forms, and inspections will be discussed.

Presented by: Richard G Vance, Assistant Chief, Division of State Fire Marshal

3:00 pm Networking Break

3:15 pm Really Ready?

Emergencies are any natural or human-made incident that causes disruption, destruction, and/or devastation typically requiring an external response. The CMS requirements necessitate concerted effort by facilities to establish coordinated and successful responses to ensure a successful recovery effort in all-hazard methodology. Our expert panel will be discussing wide-ranging disaster management approaches, including phases of prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery. Representatives from ODH and OHCA will describe the various aspects of disaster management strategy for long term care providers.

Presented by:

* Dustin Ellinger, RN, Director, Compliance Consultant, Rolf Consulting
* Rick Hoover, Supervisor, Complaint Unit/Life Safety Code, Bureau of Survey and Certification, Ohio Department of Health
* Kenneth Daily, LNHA, Elder Care Systems Group, Fire & Emergency Management Consultant

4:15 pm Conference Adjourns
Kenneth Daily, LNHA, Fire & Emergency Management Consultant

Dustin Ellinger, RN, Director, Compliance Consultant, Rolf Consulting

Paul Preusse is the Response Division Director for FEMA Region V, headquartered in Chicago. He is responsible for disaster response activities among the Great Lakes states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin. He has held that post since 2007 after completing a career with the U.S. Coast Guard.

Sally Foor, Risk Manager, Colonial Manor

Rick Hoover, Supervisor, Complaint Unit/Life Safety Code, Bureau of Survey and Certification, Ohio Department of Health

Sarah Kerr, RN, DON, The Good Shephard

Mark W. Rafeld, Director, Ashland County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Representative from the ODH Bureau of Infectious Diseases

Richard G Vance, Assistant Chief, Division of State Fire Marshal
Continuing Education Credit:

This program offers up to 9 hours of continuing education credit for the following (September 10 = 3 and September 11 = 6):

Ohio Licensed Administrators: The Ohio Health Care Association is an approved provider of continuing education credit by the Ohio Board of Executives for Long Term Care Services and Supports. Administrations can earn 9 hours of continuing education credit.

Certified Executives for Assisted Living (CEAL): CEALs can earn up to 6 hours of continuing education credit. No Credit available on September 10.

Certified Executives for Health Care at Home (CEHCH): CEHCHs can earn up to 6 hours of continuing education credit. No credit available on September 10.

Ohio Nurses:
*Nurses please note any continuing education that has been approved by BELTSS (or any other accredited body) can be accepted by the Ohio Board of Nursing in the State of Ohio. Nurses may use this continuing education to meet their licensure requirements. Please refer to OBN continuing education rules 4723-14-01 thru 4723-14-19.
What Is Included in My Registration Fee?

Up to 9 hours of Continuing Education Credit
Bonus Preconference Session
Continental Breakfast
Lunch Buffet
Continuous refreshment service
Handouts of all education sessions

OHCA Members:
$155 prior to August 28
$195 August 28 and after

Non Members
$255 prior to August 28
$295 August 28 and after

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With Support from OHCA Champion Partners