Transfer & Discharge in Ohio: Clearing Up the Confusion
March 19, 2019 2 - 3:30 pm EST 1 CE for NHA, Nurses, Social Workers
The recent revisions to the Requirements for Participation emphasize the importance of comprehensive discharge planning as more residents will be discharged more quickly into the community. Additionally, several significant changes have been made to the requirements pertaining to the transfer and discharge notice and appeals process, which have created great confusion within the provider community. This webinar will review matters related to discharge planning, notices and appeals, and highlight the substantive changes that have been made in these areas as a result of the revised requirements. The webinar will also include a discussion of real-life case examples involving these issues.
* Learn the regulatory requirements related to transfer and discharge; * Learn about the changes to the transfer and discharge process resulting from the revised Requirements of Participation and associated Guidelines; and * Hear real-life case examples involving transfer and discharge challenges that providers have encountered
Christopher Tost is a Partner at Rolf Goffman Martin Lang LLP. He has frequently presented on the topics of survey and resident discharge. Mr. Tost has represented a number of providers in the Ohio Department of Health hearing process, and has also aided facilities relative to discharge decisions, and the preparation of required notices. Christopher has been routinely selected as one of Ohio's 'Rising Stars' in the area of health care law by Super Lawyer Magazine.
Transfer & Discharge in Ohio: Clearing Up the Confusion
March 19, 2019 2 - 3:30 pm EST
Christopher Tost is a Partner at Rolf Goffman Martin Lang LLP. He has frequently presented on the topics of survey and resident discharge. Mr. Tost has represented a number of providers in the Ohio Department of Health hearing process, and has also aided facilities relative to discharge decisions, and the preparation of required notices. Christopher has been routinely selected as one of Ohio's 'Rising Stars' in the area of health care law by Super Lawyer Magazine.
Continuing Education Credit:
Ohio Licensed Administrators: The Ohio Health Care Association is an approved provider of continuing education credit by the Ohio Board of Executives of Long Term Care Services and Supports (BELTSS). Administrators can earn 1 distance learning/self-study credit.
Nurses: *Nurses please note any continuing education that has been approved by BELTSS (or any other accredited body) can be accepted by the Ohio Board of Nursing in the State of Ohio. Nurses may use this continuing education to meet their licensure requirements. Please refer to OBN continuing education rules 4723-14-01 thru 4723-14-19.
Social Workers: The Ohio Health Care Association is an approved provider of continuing education credit by the Ohio Social Work Board. Social Workers can earn 1 CE.
Individual attendance will be monitored throughout the call.
Only those attending the entire call will be awarded continuing education credit. All participants regardless of need for CEUs, will receive a certificate of attendance. This course is considered a self-study course by Ohio BELTSS.
Administrators are reminded that BELTSS limits webinar credits to a total of ten (10.0) per renewal period.
How much does it cost?
Facilities will pay one low fee for an unlimited number of participants. However, the number and access code is valid only for one phone line/computer at the location registered with the Association. Any additional phone connections calling in will be billed the individual session registration fee.
Individual Session Fees: (prior to March 5) Members: $55 Non Members: $130
Individual Session Fees: (March 5 and after) Members: $75 Non Members: $175